It was a total surprise.
Remember back in early August I was M.I.A. and told you I wasn't feeling well? Well...I didn't know it at the time but, this is why. Quite honestly, I thought I had a serious illness. I had heartburn that felt like I swallowed a flaming ball of shrapnel. The pain was so bad it was making me vomit (T.M.I. sorry). This was combined with dizzy spells and shortness of breath. I also couldn't stay awake for more than 3 hours at a time. I fell asleep twice while typing at the keyboard only to be awakened by one of those neck busting head jerks.
After hemming and hawing hoping it would clear up on it's own (I'm the master at avoiding doctor visits) I finally conceded that it's not going away and I need to see some doctors. So, here I am making appointments to see a litany of specialists when I get a phone call from an old friend. She asks me how I'm doing and I told her what was up. She said, "Sounds like you're pregnant".
EXCUSE ME??? WHAT???!!!???
So I set about doing the math. Uhhhhhh....DOH! Take the at home tinkle test and wouldn't you know it!
Now, I know what you're thinking how did I not know I'd missed periods? (WARNING- here's more T.M.I. so for those who don't want this info. jump ahead to the next paragraph) Early June, I'm right on schedule. Early July, it's there, but it's really light and only 2 days, o.k. weird but, I'm not freaked out and dismiss it as light because I was stressed and I am getting older *coughthirtyeightcough*. You know how that happens, right ladies? Early August I'm in the throws of not feeling well and I don't even realize I've missed it completely because I'm so preoccupied with my impending death!
Now- I'm at 13 weeks and we're both VERY happy. I still feel like crap but now it's happy-crappy. The kid is constantly moving. The doctor said on a scale of 1-10 this kid's a 10. Arms and legs are flailing and kicking like a ninja (lucky me).
This will be the first grandchild for both sides of the family. Each of which had pretty much written off any hope of having grandchildren. As you can guess there's a lot of joy being spread about. The little bugger is scheduled to make it's grand debut in March of 2010.
Wish me luck!
omg! yeah for you both, such fun news...and i love this post, it was wicked funny too, you have a great sense of humor. is this your first? wishing you an easy pregnancy and quick delivery, pain free of course :) thanks for always leaving such fun and creative comments on my blog, i've been a bit busy lately and need to catch up on all of my friends blogs, like yours, glad i did :) have a great day!
Thanks so much!
Yes, it's both our first.
Congrats, on the baby news! =)
WOW! Congratulations!!!!
Welcome to the ride of your life.
I always tell my pregnant friends -- no wonder you're EXHAUSTED, your body is making/growing/cell-splitting a HUMAN BEING!
Take it easy -- don't do too much and enjoy the splendor of it all.
Please keep us updated. I love good, juicy TMI.
Oh how fabulous!! Huge hugs and congrats to you both!! Such exciting news:)
Wow! What a huge surprise! Congrats Chica! My mother thought she had the flu for 2 months...she just kept on drinking champagne! Must be where I got my beverage tendencies.
Thanks so much everyone! Your kinds words and encouragement really mean a lot.
Jill- I can't even discuss beverage tendencies! Let's just say going cold turkey off the hooch has made me more than slightly edgy!
I've been to two gatherings where I've sat bitterly scowling in seething jealously and hatred over the others enjoyment of the more than ample and delicious libations that were being served.
CONGRATULATIONS, LADY! You are going to be a chic pregnant girl for sure. And the baby will most likely be so well accessorized! This also means that all of the kitty litter cleaning goes to the Townhouse Man.
Best of luck for a healthy pregnancy!
Ahhhhh!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited for you!! :) Such a blessing!! I can't wait to hear all about the little one!
woo hoo!!!!
what great news!!! I feel lots of baby posts coming;-)
wonderful news,congrats!
There is always caviar if you get peckish!! Congrats!
hoooraay! as you know i am super duper happy as i am esp gifted and all knowing. i'm like gandalf after he fell in with the balrog. my fiona was quite a kicker and mover. this is the best you can get when the little bean is inside. a moving baby is a baby that feels good. unless they are asleep but i swear to god i used to joke that fiona never slept in utero. unfortunately for me it meant she never slept once she came into the world either. reeeeeal bummer.
can't wait for all the nursery commencing.
WOW, I am thrilled for you! Congrats & Mazels all around. And if it's a girl her name shall be Lucinda.
Congratulations! You sound like me, I literally got pregnant a week after I was off the pill, I was getting ready to go to Color Marketing Group in Tampa and none of my pants fit. I was so mad so I just got some spanx and squeezed my ass in what I could. Cussing myself the whole time for gaining weight. Little did I know... The night I got back from Tampa I took the test and dayum if it wasn't positive. 2 years later here I am with an almost 15 month old that has turned my life upside down and inside out - in an awesome way - and I love her to pieces. So excited for you!!!
Megan- I'm very lucky. He's always handled that duty solo.
MFaMB- Your are indeed psychic! You totally called it. I'll have to come up with a prize. To recap- I said I wasn't feeling well and she said, "you're SO pregnant!" I had to bite my tongue so hard not to say you're right!
Lu- thanks for the Mazels but it's more like Matzos! I never dreamed that unsalted crackers would become my "can't live without" item. I always figured it's be a pair of Louboutins!
Oh my goodness! Such wonderful news...hope you're feeling better these days!
Dobby- your daughters legs are so delicious that I can only imagine what the rest of the package is like!
Congrats girlie!
Gonna have you a little fish baby! ;)
That's so awesome!!! Congrats!
Whoa! That one knocked me right off my chair. Thrilled for you and the mister. Much love to both of you.
That is soooo wonderful!
Congratulations on your "little bun in the oven"!
I'm sure that he OR she (Notice, I didn't type he/she because I'm fairly sure that you'd prefer one or the other, not both.) is already so fashionable that they are going to probably insist upon being taken home wrapped in nothing less than a Gucci or D&G baby blanket! ;)
Let's hope that all your furry "babies" don't get too jealous...
And is your blog going to become 'A TownhouseBABY'S Life', now? ;)
Thanks so much!
Bathory- this is the reason I was drinking water all night at your fabulous BBQ. Lafitte wasn't the only one keeping a secret!
(Lafitte is Bathory's beautiful little rescue cat that kept her pregnancy quite hidden and gave birth to one precious little 6 toed kitten without warning who is now appropriately named "lil shocker".
Congratulations....this is simply wonderful news.
Dry toast and believe it or not, ovaltine, got me through my worst months of morning sickness. I reccomend them both.
Congratulations! This is such exciting news!
just came across your blog...congrats on the baby news!
i just love babies ;)
Delurking to say CONGRATULATIONS! Wishing you a beautiful pregnancy and delivery! What a wonderful blessing. Oh, and Love reading your blog!
Congratulatioons!!! :D wiii jejejeje enyoy,
xoxo, MM
I'm away from my blog buddies for a couple days and look what I miss!!
I must say I somehow knew MFMB was onto something when she said that and thou did not protest.
This is fantastic news and like all, can't wait to follow your journey.
Re being sick, here's a TMI for ya.
The only time I got sick and vomited while pregnant, I made my husband stop the car on the way to work, and I threw up the cereal I had just eaten. Two black crows promptly landed and began eating it.
The circle.......the circle of life......
Oh ks! hat cracked me up. Thank you!
Oh yay! Congratulations! xx
YAY baby! Congrats!
I was wondering what you had been up to!
Your cats are going to be PISSED! They have to share their momma! You better start talking them through it now. :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! One more for addition to your kids. :)
Yay!!!!!!!!! Congrats! I am just catching up on your blog and this great news because of my OWN offspring, who have decided at 17 months they no longer want to sleep through the night. Or at naptime. Or anytime apparently. And there are three of them against me - guess who is winning?
But don't let my tale of terror squelch your joy. Seriously - that is great news, and if you need advice on being the "old pregnant lady," feel free to look me up. I was 39 when I birthed The Trips.
That is so cute, I love pregnancy chilbirth and everything baby lol. Super congrats on your pending birth. Those booties in your other post are so cute.
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