Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Boy

Poor J-Kun, he was laying on his blankie (a hand towel on the bed) trying to settle down for a good nap. See, when you get to be his age (20 yrs. old) naps are an integral part of the day. See the black streak behind him? That's Lou (age 2) trying to foil his plans and engage him in play. Can you tell he's a touch annoyed?

My poor loveyboy.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Doesn't eveyone love a good fart joke?

My friend just sent me this email and I couldn't stop laughing...

I was in the pub yesterday when I suddenly realized I desperately needed to fart. The music was really, really loud, so I timed my farts with the beat.

After a couple of songs, I started to feel better. I finished my drink and noticed that everybody was staring at me.

Then I suddenly remembered that I was listening to my iPod.

So uncouth yet, so funny. Have a great weekend everyone!

In Memorium- John Hughes

John Hughes
1950 - 2009

Rest In Peace

I was devastated when I heard that John Hughes passed away after suffering a heart attack during his morning walk yesterday morning in NYC. He was only 59 years old. Simply put, his movies were the soundtrack of my teen years. Below are some of my favorites.

For the complete obituary click here.

John, you may be gone but you'll never be forgotten.

Simple Minds- Don't You (Forget About Me) from the Breakfast Club

Sixteen Candles Trailer- 1984

Breakfast Club Trailer- 1985

Weird Science Trailer- 1985

Pretty In Pink Trailer- 1986

Ferris Bueller's Day Off- 1986

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Photographer- Miles Aldrige

My Morning

click pause on the player first ---->

Imagine this times five...

Listening To- Musical Youth

click pause on the player first ---->

I had so much fun with the Eddy Grant Electric Avenue video from yesterday I thought today we'd head to 1982 and Pass The Dutchie with Musical Youth

Musical Youth- Pass The Dutchie

Stylestance commented "Ha, I remember the controversy surrounding this song (ie, what exactly is a dutchie?)"

So, I figured I should edit the post to include the answer in case others didn't know.

The controversy stemmed from the original song "Pass the Kutchie" by The Mighty Diamonds is about passing a joint around. When they did the kid friendly remake version for Musical Youth they changed it to "Dutchie" a dutchie being a large cooking pot. This fits in perfectly with the lyric "how does it feel when you got no food?"

Here's the original version of the song Pass The Kutchie by The Mighty Diamonds:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Can't Live Without...

Herbacin Chamomile Hand Cream.

It combines the healing properties of natural chamomile extracts, the caring substances of glycerin plus the protection of silicon.

The fact is it works great. It's not greasy and the tin is perfect for slipping into your purse without the fear of having the lotion leak out because it's a soft solid!

Love it!

Listening To- Eddy Grant

Click pause on the player first---->

I have always LOVED this song. I'm sure you did too at some point so let's travel back to 1983 and enjoy.

Eddy Grant- Electric Avenue

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Jewelry Designer- Wendy Yue

Wendy Yue was born in Hong Kong and trained in Vienna. She formed her own atelier, Diamond Tree which allowed her to realize her vision and creativity. The collections that she presents each season are unfailingly innovative. Over eighteen years of experience has pushed the company to the forefront of the jewelery industry in Hong Kong making Wendy one of the most renowned jewelery designers of the city.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Like spam? If you answered yes sign up for The Zoe Report.

The Zoe Report is Rachel Zoe's new fashion newsletter about items that may or may not have even been chosen by Zoe...

The chic variety of accessories, apparel, and other items featured in the Zoe Report are carefully chosen by our editorial team of fashion addicts—ahem—experts”

From the Privacy Policy...

"...Rest-assured, Rachel Zoe Inc. does not collect any personal information that you do not expressly provide and will not sell, rent, or share your personal information to any third party for marketing purposes without your consent (that would be tacky). Note: subscription to The Zoe Report includes sharing of your email address with certain third party advertisers, as set forth in The Zoe Report Policies. Rachel Zoe Inc. may share your personal information for the purpose of delivering our e-mail to you or as required by law."

From the Editorial Policy...

"...However, since we do have a costly shoe dependency, we will sporadically send out paid “Dedicated” e-mails from our advertisers...."

Uh, no thank you!

Juicy Gems

Photographer Guido Mocafico’s campaign for Bulgari brings us a feast of fruit and diamonds. Two things a women should never live without. How delicious!

One thing that's bothering me, and it has nothing to do with the campaign. Am I the only one thinking that the lobster claw clasp on the first diamond necklace looks super cheapskate-ish? Shouldn't a necklace of this caliber command a press down slip in clasp that had diamonds moutned on top and safety latches on both sides? Why skimp on the finishes?

(source: Trendhunter)