“I fell in love with a bird on the wallpaper,” Says Waris of the birds in the bathroom of room 502 at the Raphael Hotel in Paris (The hotel made a cameo in his friend Wes Anderson’s prequel to “The Darjeeling Limited.) “And I realized that birds could be the perfect way to explore the fine, detailed work of enameling and pavé.” He designed six avian jewels under his House of Waris label and named them after famous love-seeking literary characters.
Tiger photo: Sophie Caby
I love his style! He and his wife are just so alluring!
I love his style! He and his wife are just so alluring!
I've always loved his work. I wish he had a better website.
Obsession indeed!! Loving your blog, will be following. xo
wow -- stunning. but, no peacock did i see...
i wouldn't pout for long if i could get that parrot claw necklace.
(p.s. welcome back, N! great first postpartum post!)
The Ruby Wings are outta this world!
Yeah, good stuff. I'm with Kristin, the ruby wings are to die for!
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