Friday, May 22, 2009


From today's Page Six...

Does Owen Wilson feel only the little people wait on line? Folks who cued up for vegan takeout at One Lucky Duck, on East 17th Street, the other day tell us Wilson joined the line but soon got fed up. "He bypassed the line, walked straight into the kitchen and placed his order," a spy told us. "I guess he thinks be cause he's Owen Wilson he doesn't have to wait." His rep told us, "If it indeed happened, I'm sure it was inadvertent." Eatery owner Sarma Meln gailis added, "He's a friend . . . and it's perfectly normal for him to come wander about in the kitchen . . . Nothing for people to get miffed about."

From the Townhouselady...

Let me tell you a little story Mr. Owen-My-Sh!t-Don't-Stink-Oh-Yes-It-Sure-Does-Cause-I'm-A-Pompus-Douche-Vegan-Wilson:

One day I went to get a cup of soup from Al's Soup Kitchen International (Yup, the original Soup Nazi location in NYC). It was around 4:30-ish in the afternoon well after the lunch crowd rush, which routinely wrapped around the building (If you link through above to his website you can see what the normal lunchtime lines were like, and that pic was taken on a rainy day no less!). You need to know that this wasn't a shop you walked into. It's was literally like they open the gate and there was just a counter right there up front. There's no "inside". Behind the counter was a kitchen and you placed your order and waited right on the sidewalk.

Anyways, I had just walked up and had one guy ahead of me. He was just starting to place his order as a limo pulls up. The limo dude jumps out and walks up just as the guy is finishing his ordering. So he proceeds to step up to start to place his order. He gets midway through his order, looks over and sees me standing there. He says, "Miss, you're not with him? Oh I am so sorry, I really didn't know!" He then proceeds to tell Mr. Soup Nazi to include whatever I wanted on his order. I start to say, "No, that's o.k., honest mistake.." He insists, and since the Nazi is starting to look like he's about to lose it, I shut up. I thank the guy and he says, "No, it was my bad. I'm really sorry. Enjoy your soup!" he then grabs his order and hops back into his limo.

Who was this limo guy? Mr. Joseph Ward Simmons a.k.a. Rev Run.

Mr. Wilson, you are no Rev Run.


Ziggy Stardust said...

Good story, funny, thanks


MFAMB said...

douche indeed. countess owen?

###### said...

You tell it girl!!!!!

SpryOnTheWall said...

Go Rev Run!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Mr. Wilson, "Shame on You". Douche bag indeed!

Urban Flea said...

Hahahaha.... oh lordie. I have a couple of douche-baggy stories about that Wilson brother... He truly thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Oi vey. Thanks for the comment over at Urban Flea my dear lady!
xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea ;)

Stacey said...

Aw, I am so happy to hear that Rev Run is as nice is person as he seems on his show!

I just love him and his family on their tv show.

Jill said...

Perchance this douche baggery is the real reason behind the smashed up nose...

kit said...

We love Rev Run!! He is a fixture in BC. He and his fam shop at Marshall's, read books at Borders...they may even go to the movies as much as we do, as we have seen them there often.