Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Photographer- Iain Crawford

I am completely enraptured by the "Splashtastic" series shot by photographer Iain Crawford. He's able to beautifully capture these paint and powder images by employing a stop motion photography technique.

Known primarily for his beauty shots, Crawford has a portfolio full of incredible images. If you'd like to see more please click through to his website here.


chateaudelu said...

These are weird, but cool at the same time. I especially like the one with the magenta flying out of her mouth.

ana said...

They are so strong! I like them very much
My favorites the magenta, the red and yellow :)
thank you always for your nice comments!!

MFAMB said...

very cool.

Belle de Ville said...


misslikey said...

strong vivid and just like a dream..i love them

SpryOnTheWall said...

WOW! These are lovely.

The next thought that popped into my head was - I hope Tyra Banks doesn't see these, she'll be splashing those poor ANTM girls with paint for a "fierce" photo shoot - ha!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Incredible. Bordering on a bit eery to fab. What a talented photographer.

Happy Wed. THL

The Townhouselady said...

OMG Dobby! You are SO right!

I really can't stand Tyra (and her "team"). She just rubs me the wrong way.

SpryOnTheWall said...

Yeah, so over Tyra. Fun fact - Eva who won season 3 (I think) was on my soap opera (yeah I'm a stay at home Mom, it's what we do) and her character's name was Tyra. BARF!!!!

The Countess of Nassau County said...

Amazing. I can't imagine the skill and planning that has to go into these shots. Thanks so much for posting these.