Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Welcome To The Islands

Seriously, just watch it.

"Staten Island breeds a very specific typa person. I'm loyal, I come from a good family, I have morals, I'm classy- stuff like dat!"

Part 1 of 5


carrie1 said...

This is hilarious. Reminds me of my boyfriend who was born and raised on Long Island. =) I am always amazed when I go up there to hear everyone talk.

Michael St. James said...

LMAO...That was hilarious!

Jill said...

WTF is that?! This is a parody right? That dude's face is orange and he has a terrible eyebrow problem.

The Townhouselady said...

Yeah, it's a parody but it's pretty dead on.

I'm going to be posting another one of the remaining 4 each day.

SpryOnTheWall said...

I hope it's a parody. I'm a little disappointed her nails weren't all done up though - you know the longish acrylic french tips - squared up natch, probably in need of a fill (everyone knows what I'm saying - I watched MTV True Life's "I'm a Staten Island Girl"). I think I heard her say "fairyteller story".

I had acrylic nails one time back in the 90's and nevah again, let me tell you...

The Townhouselady said...

Oh My Gawd Doccy- you're so right, she's totally missing the french nail tips!

I had them all through the 80's. SOooooo tacky.

chateaudelu said...

Can I be invited to their wedding?

MFAMB said...

it's totally fake. but kinda funny.

LTG said...


The Countess of Nassau County said...
