Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yellow Emeralds

Pear Shaped Heliodor Earrings by Paolo Costagli

I've held a long love affair with Heliodor, often referred to as the "Golden Emerald" as they are both from the Beryl family of minerals. Now, I don't happen to have any Heliodor in my collection as of yet since I've always been waiting for "the one" to jump out at me and say I'm yours. These are screaming to me that they are indeed "the one " but alas, at $9,400- I'll have to keep searching for another.

That reminds me, I need to pick up a lottery ticket...

(click image for purchase information)


Megan said...

I LOVE those! I love your taste in jewelry. I want to try those on so badly!

Jill said...

I've never heard of Heliodor before...where the hell have I been?!

Michael St. James said...

Absolutely breathtaking!

SpryOnTheWall said...

Jill and I are in the same boat - I had never heard of it either. Veeeery nice!!! You are the queen of jewelry. If my hubby ever decides to give me any more jewelry, I'm sending him to you for help :o)

chateaudelu said...

They are gorgeous. You know I like my yellow...

MFAMB said...

are you kidding me with those?
yes. please, now, thank you.

Belle de Ville said...

Beautiful golden beryl.
Instead of winning he lottery, you need to have these custom made.
Why pay Costagli prices when these earrings can easily be made by a jeweler.

ana said...

They are so beautiful!!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

UM wow. Those are freaking amazing!