Saturday, January 30, 2010

NOT on my baby registry...


via: Nick Holmes

It reminds me of SNL's commercial for Swiffer Sleepers


Ink Obsession Designs said...

That is crazy!

SpryOnTheWall said...

Ha ha! Good Lord, mine might as well wear one of these with all the wallowing around on the floor she does (now with temper tantrums). We are also still in the "what are you eating/what do you have in your mouth?" phase of toddlerhood. The things they find to munch on. I'm ready for this phase to be over :o)

The Townhouselady said...

I remember my goddaughter going through that. She's pet the cat and lick her hand, pet the cat, lick her hand. You'd open her mouth and have to scrape off crap loads of fur from her tongue with either your fingernail or scratchy paper towel. Neither of which made her happy. So gross.

Megan said...

My first thought was to rig something like this up for Lou and slide him around the hard wood living room floor so he could earn his keep by picking up all the cat hair he sheds. That's not wrong, is it?