Friday, May 8, 2009


(Photography: Coppi Barbieri)


SpryOnTheWall said...

I have that middle fish picture hanging on my board right in front of me! These are dreamy!!!

The Townhouselady said...

*Like minds*

That would go great with your hair color!

Jill said...

I want my lids to look like the middle picture tonight! I wish I were more adept with makeup.

The Townhouselady said...

That one is my favorite image. I'd love to know what kind of fish that is. Those colors are amazing.

SpryOnTheWall said...

Wonder if it's a Koi/goldfish just photographed in a dark tank?!? I don't know, but I LOVE it!!!!

And it would match my hair and my daughter's too! Zany redheads!